Facebook Is Changing, But Is It For The Better?

How often do you go on Facebook? I’m sure it’s nearly every day. It used to be that you only used Facebook for personal reasons, but now it’s becoming relevant for school and work too. There have been so many changes to this social media site in the past few years, but I’m not so sure this is a good thing. There has been developments in apps that individuals and businesses can take advantage of. They’ve introduced the Facebook timeline, which hasn’t gone over well. So there have been both good and bad things. But overall, do we think that change has been positive for Facebook?

About a month ago, there was an important message about what Facebookstands for. Zuckerberg received a lot of attention for wearing his standard hoodie. Some people think this is unprofessional, but others argue that he’s reminding us how Facebook started out. Facebook is all about keeping people connected. For businesses, it’s about being true to ourselves, our brand, and our company mission. So Zuckerberg wanted to make a stand and show us that he’s not like all the other businessmen out there who only care about money. He has a vision for his social media site.

A lot of people have also been talking about the Facebook IPO. We’re all so concerned with how much money Facebook will make as a result. And now that it’s happened, we’re all pretty disappointed with the result. Why are we all so consumed with the money? We’re forgetting all about the reason Facebook was created. We’re forgetting that we’re supposed to be using it to better ourselves and our businesses. Stop thinking all about the money and start taking advantage of all that Facebook has to offer.

Some people are actually saying that Facebook has „lost its way.“ They argue that the social media site is becoming too business-friendly and it’s veering away from serving the everyday user. Like I said earlier, I’m using Facebook more for work and school than for personal use. I don’t know if that’s a good thing. Zuckerberg says he wants to stay true to his vision, but if he changes this site so much that it no longer serves its personal use, will Facebook still be the top „social media site? I don’t think it’s completely lost yet, but I think any more future changes will certainly play an important role in whether or not Facebook stays on top.

Facebook is something that we all talk about. Even if you don’t have a Facebook account, you’ve probably heard about it and you have some idea about the news surrounding it. It think it’s great that Zuckerberg is looking to make additions to his site and better it for the users, but he needs to keep in mind that this isn’t just about businesses. He needs to acknowledge that there are two types of users and they are both equally important.

Click here to read some more regarding Facebook and social media.

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