How SEO will change in 2012

It’s no surprise for people that work in web marketing when the playing field shifts. That’s the nature of this rapidly developing world, especially as it’s in its relatively early days. Earlier this year Google announced that they were changing the way their search system works, to make it more ‚personal,‘ and also added a coda about how they were going to crack down on search engine optimisation.

It should be said first of all that ‚cracking down‘ on SEO isn’t anything new. We all know the kind of techniques that frustrate users and search providers. Shoddy content which clutters the internet for no reason other than to provide links for a website, or those cheap tricks such as making phantom sites full of links which look out for the Google bots, shouldn’t be anything that people want to keep around. These are already proving to be ineffective, and the cowboys are struggling to continue.

This isn’t a new thing to talk about, and it’s actually something that will be welcomed by good SEO providers. Poor content is something that belongs to the cowboy side of SEO, or ‚black hat.‘ When it comes to white hat techniques, the content is designed to be indistinguishable from other user content. In other words it’s written for people to read, rather than just being junk to fill up web page space. Skimming off the poor content will allow better SEO companies to be more effective.

White hat techniques, which involve writing genuinely good content for users while promoting websites and building links, have been implicitly saved by Google for the time being. They’ve said that they want to get rid of content written ‚for search engines‘ and that strongly suggests the key-word heavy junk that you see, rather than more subtle work.

Indeed, it would be difficult to crack down on that anyway, given that it would mean having to distinguish between user blogs with links, and SEO blogs written in the same way, also with links. So at the moment SEO is still here to stay, and does still work, but it would be good to use it alongside newer marketing techniques.

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