What Makes The Customer Advantage So Special?

The Customer Advantage is a three year old venture by a group of internet marketers designed to take features from group saving programs and couple it with the power of building an income from home.

Think Groupon with a serious earnings opportunity and you’re already half way there.

As a free opportunity, they sure have taken their time setting themselves up to ensure they get it right but the majority of the industry is in agreement that if they do indeed get it right they will have an absolute game changer on their hands.

There are two aspects to TCA..

* Saving money

* Earnings

Much like Groupon or LivingSocial, TCA is built around the group purchasing model which is incredibly popular online nowadays.

The main differences which single out TCA as one to watch are:

* The focus is on helping local communities. The deals they put on offer will come from your local stores and businesses and be based around everyday items.

* Most group buying programs, such as Groupon, offer deals with as little as 30% savings to the member. TCA has already stated it’s desire to offer discounts ranging between 50% to 90%.

When you reach the affiliate plan you notice why this opportunity became as popular as it did, resulting in the company rejecting a $25 million takeover offer from Amazon in 2010.

By sharing your TCA business with others looking to save money online for free, you unlock the ability to earn an astonishing 5% commission each time they take advantage of any of their deals. This lasts forever, too.

If you work on building your business and helping others discover free savings, or referring businesses to help them run deals in their local area, you can earn a substantial monthly income with the program itself.

As far as group buying programs go, The Customer Advantage is on course to dominate it’s niche over the next couple of years. By taking it’s time setting the wheels into motion it is creating something with truly special potential, both as a free online savings mechanism and legitimate home business.

About the author: Russ Howe is a continent leading coach within The Customer Advantage. In order to gain the absolute most from The Customer Advantage Opportunity get our free guide today.

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